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Welcome to my blog. My name is Gabriel Santos. In the first place, I am an avid reader and an eager learner. Currently, I work as Chief Software Architect in XP Inc. in Brazil, and in spite of being mostly acting as a software engineer strategist, I love to code and to solve problems through computer programs.

As for academic classics, my favorite books are “The art of computer programming (V1-4)” from Donald Knuth, “Algorithms” from Cormen et al., “Modern Operating Systems” from Tanenbaum and so many others.

When it comes to programming languages, I have coded professionally in Java, C, Delphi, C++, C#, Javascript, Go, Python, and Apama EPL (proprietary language from Software AG). My favorites are Python, C++, Go, and Apama EPL.

Not long ago I took my master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, more specifically in Deep Learning applied to the game of Go, which I relentlessly insist on playing, despite the fact of being a mere Kyu level player. Moreover, during my master’s I’ve learned to apply techniques like Monte Carlo Tree Search, Neural Networks (deep and shallow ones, convolutional, MLP’s, etc.), Clustering, Bio-Inspired computing (ant’s algorithm, particle swarm optimization, NSGA II, etc.), and so many others. I also learned how to scrutinize and to inquire what we know so far to push state of the art in the A.I. field.

My recent researches and developments include applications that go from Computer Vision problems through intricate Capital Market classification. Nowadays, I’m into Sequence Models.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on this blog/website are solely my own and do not necessarily express the views of my employer.